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Let's dive in to all things Motherhood related!

Motherhood — The Real Deal

Mother’s Day — A day I will forever cherish, not just because I am a mother but also because on this day, last year Luwamé was created. I cannot believe how fast time flies, a whole year has passed by and everyday since has been a blessing from above.

Mother's Day 2017- The night Luwamé luanched

I started this blog to create an open and honest space for all women to come together and discuss topics such as motherhood, relationships, women empowerment and healthy living. It’s a place for me to share my personal stories in hopes of inspiring you with yours.

Day 1

Last year, I dedicated one of the first blogs to my mother and it was only right. She is my role model, support system, and one of my biggest fans, always there to cheer me on from far or near. It was the perfect day with the perfect message and I couldn’t have been more proud.

Who would have known that we would get this far together! Luwamé started out with 6 blog posts, zero followers on social media and a dream of helping women everywhere, women just like me who were holding themselves back, thinking that they were helping their families but suffering internally for it. Women who looked in the mirror every morning and didn’t recognize the person they were seeing, who felt lost as a mother and a wife. That was me 10 years ago.

Now, we have over 50 blog posts, our social media numbers continue to grow everyday and our content can be found on different platforms including YouTube. Luwamé is helping women from all over the world and that brings me so much joy. If you ask me how I continue to make it happen, my answer will be “GOD and passion for what I do”

I love seeing other women feeling empowered to do what they want in life and I enjoy helping women take care of their bodies and walk with confidence. It’s been a pleasure seeing so many lives change and getting feedback from you all.  Thank you all for sharing your stories with me and making us a great community. 


Today, I want to talk about Motherhood, not the pretty picture you see on social media and in the movies (even though being a mom is beautiful and I love it) but the real deal! Here it goes:

Real Talk: I never thought I would be the type of mother I am today. The idea of little people taking over my life wasn’t exactly what I had in mind when I thought of the future. I always planned on becoming a mother but later in life, much later in life. Truth be told though, it’s the best thing that ever happened to me. My babies brighten up my day as I’m sure yours do for you. Seeing a smile on their face is worth all the headaches, the problems, the struggles we face as mothers every day.

I can’t and won’t paint you a perfect picture though because being a mother is far from perfect. It’s hard work and takes lots of dedication. It’s the one job that never stops, meaning you cannot clock in and out or take breaks. There are some days where food and sleep might seem like a luxury and other days where the idea of a shower appears absurd. You will miss quietness and crave for a little peace and relaxation here and there. Your life changes the second your little person comes out of the womb, and you get that first glance at him or her. The person you were before that moment will no longer exist. That’s the part I struggled with the most; losing who I was before being a mother. It doesn’t have to be that way though. We can be mothers and still be who we want to be.

People have been asking me what I did to pull myself back to the person I knew I could be and honestly speaking, I can’t tell you exactly what it was because it was so many things tied together- prayer, meditation, reflecting on the person I was and the person I wanted to be and above all focusing on MYSELF for a change. We get so tied up in our new roles and want the best for our babies that we forget to take care of ourselves. Speaking from experience, this can and will hurt you, your marriage and your family in the long run. We are humans too and need some tender love and care from time to time. It isn’t being selfish, or not caring for your children if you take time to focus on your mind, body, and soul. In fact, it’s the complete opposite, it’s a selfless act of love, and in return, the kids will grow up knowing and understanding that they too need to take care of themselves.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my children and husband with all my heart, and I also love me and want them to know that. I would never take time away from them, so instead, I work around their schedules. Early mornings work best for me, maybe that can be your thing too. If not though, try putting them to sleep early and doing what you love. If you have school-aged kids, sit down with them while they are doing homework and work on your goals and dreams. Find what works for you…anything is possible as long as you have the drive and desire to make it happen.

Do not Disturb- LOL
Who said a mom can't get a night out with her girlfriends...

Being a mother has definitely made me stronger, more compassionate and more aware of life. It has taught me how to plan better, how to be more organized and how to MULTI-TASK (I’m a pro at that now...lol). Most importantly, it taught me all about Love and Sacrifice. Pure love, the kind that has no limits, no conditions or boundaries. I see that type of love every day in my children.

To all the amazing mothers out there- HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! Enjoy your day and make it about YOU because you deserve that and more! Cheers to another amazing year!

Rise up Together because we are the FUTURE! PS: If you live in the DMV area and are free on Saturday May 26, 2018 come to the Women Empowerment Expo at the Washington DC Convention Center.

I'd love to hear from you. What's your definition of motherhood? Are you able to balance your time and still live out your dreams?

Until next week! 


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