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Healthy Living

We all have our own healthy living journey. Here is where I share mine, step by step what has helped me lose weight, gain strength and maintain it through out the years.

How To Get That Perky Feel Back

Here is a story for you... Once upon a time, I had nice perky breasts, then came my beautiful babies, and with them, my body changed in ways I can’t even begin to describe. I had these enormous breasts full of milk, where my once...
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Get Fit With Mahi And Luwam- Ethiopia Edition

There is something so powerful about believing in God and waiting for him to align things for you. Had you asked me two years ago if this would be my life today, I would have said: “I Wish but heck no.” Who would have ever...
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Working Out Isn’t Always Working Out

Do you ever get the feeling that even though you’re making all the right moves while working out, you just aren’t seeing the results you should be? I mean you go all savage and kill the cardio HIT classes, you run outside, and you even...
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