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Healthy Living

We all have our own healthy living journey. Here is where I share mine, step by step what has helped me lose weight, gain strength and maintain it through out the years.

8 Exercises To Build Your Strongest Upper Body

How many of us want to wave at our friends and family but don’t because of that annoying fat we have underneath our arms? Ok that’s a little extreme lol but how about we won’t wear that cute tank top we bought 2 summers ago,...
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Be Good To Yourself

If I'm 100% honest with myself, I haven't been very good to myself lately. Don't get me wrong, I practice everything I preach but I've lost my confidence, which has led me to question alot of my decisions. Here's an example: I'm a personal trainer,...
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You’re As Strong As You Think You Are

Have you ever read the book The Little Engine That Could? I loved it as a child and read it often to my children today. It’s a story about a little blue engine that wanted to do more than switch cars for the bigger trains....
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